学费 & 费用



学费/费用 内的学生 州外学生
1-15学时 $152.每学分50元 $381.每学分25美分
15+学时 $2,287.每学期50 $5,718.每学期75美元
注册费* $15.00 /学期
学生服务费* $20.00 /学期(全日制和非全日制学生)
技术支持费用* $10.每学分00美元.
医疗保健计划费用* $25.每学期00英镑(如适用)
实验室费用* 因课程而异. 最新的实验室费用可以在 课程表.
逾期登记费* $25.每学期00英镑(如适用)


除了上面提到的直接费用, additional indirect costs may be incurred depending on individual courses and program of study. 我们的 出勤费用 佩奇为学生和他们的家庭提供了所有费用的合理估计, 无论是直接的还是间接的都与特拉华理工有关. 直接费用由学院支付. 间接费用不由学院计费,是平均费用. They will vary from student to student based on individual courses and program of study. 总成本可能与提交的金额不同.

Students registered for 12 credit hours per semester or the equivalent are considered "full-time." Full-time students are encour年龄d to take at least 15 credits per semester in order to accelerate degree completion.

学费 may be paid online through the Student Information System or at any of the campus Business Offices.

学费 for 劳动力发展和社区教育 类 will be charged on a per course basis. 了解更多十大正规赌博平台大全 劳动力发展和社区教育 类.

任何学生支付的学杂费, 美国联邦法典第8编第1101条第(a)款第(15)段所指的非移民外国人除外. S. Code, 符合以下所有要求的学生的学费不应高于特拉华州居民学生的学费:

  1. Attended a high school located within the State of Delaware for two or more years; and
  2. 毕业于特拉华州的一所高中或获得特拉华州颁发的普通同等文凭
  3. Has applied for attendance within five years of receiving a high school diploma or General Equivalency Diploma.

没有合法移民身份的学生还需要提交一份宣誓书,说明学生已提交申请使其移民身份合法化, 或将提交这样的申请,只要他或她有资格这样做.

美国武装部队成员在34 C下重新入境.F.R. §668.18, 或任何替代法规, 学生在服兵役时被录取参加同一专业,应收取学生离开服役时有效的学杂费, unless any increase of the prior amount is covered by the student’s service member educational benefits. 美国武装部队成员在34 C下重新入境.F.R.§668.18, 或任何替代法规, 不得向其他学生收取超过同一专业的学杂费. The tuition benefits provided herein shall only apply for the first academic year after readmission. 本政策中的所有条款应按照联邦法律的规定进行解释.


Residents of the State of Delaware who are 60 years old or older may enroll tuition free in many credit courses. 劳动力发展和社区教育以及学院竞争性招生项目中的项目/专业课程不包括在内. Persons eligible for this privilege are not required to pay tuition 和注册, 晚注册, 学生服务费. 他们应支付所有书籍、用品和其他费用的费用. 此特权是在可用空间的基础上授予的. 由于可用空间有限, 免学费课程的老年人注册时间为秋季学期和春季学期15周开课前一周和夏季学期12周开课前一周. 在老年人注册期开始之前提交的注册将没有资格获得学费减免. 学生在长者注册期开始前已注册的任何课程,均没有资格申请长者学费减免.


All students who register for fall, spring, and summer sessions will be assessed a $15.每节学分课程的注册费为00. 学生可以在不收取额外费用的情况下更改注册. 报名费概不退还.


修读学分课程的学生, a nonrefundable fee of $20 per semester for full-time and part-time students will be charged by each campus. 老年人免交这笔费用. The Delaware Tech/University of Delaware Associates in Arts Degree Program student service fee is the same.


费用各不相同——每个实验小时12美元,最多6小时或每门课程72美元. 有项目规定的例外情况,其中实验室费用可能少或多, 视项目需要而定. Industrial education course lab fees are determined by the specialized equipment utilized in the course.


$10.每学期所有学时每学分00美元,以支持技术成本, 教学/课程材料, 和互联网电子邮件/访问所有学分.




The starting date for Late 登记 is published each semester in the 校历. 在此公布日期或之后开始注册的学生将被收取25美元的逾期注册费. 在延迟注册开始时已经注册的学生,如果他们在以后的时间添加或修改课程,将不会被评估延迟注册费用. 逾期注册费不予退还.

The fee may be waived by the campus dean of student affairs for the following reasons: (1) a disabling accident, certified by a physician; (2) a serious illness, certified by a physician; or, (3)超出学生控制范围的校园或学院功能, 比如校园关闭或管理系统出现问题.


特拉华科技公司与Nelnet商业解决方案公司(NBS)合作,以提高学生的负担能力和接受教育的机会. 分期付款计划(该计划)允许学生通过分期付款而不是一次性付款的方式来推迟学费和杂费的支付. 本计划于每学期注册日提供.

Enrollment into the Plan is only available for a limited time each semester (through the drop/add period); however, 鼓励提前注册,因为首付款金额取决于学生注册的日期. Earlier signup results in a lower required down payment and a greater number of installments, 这使得每月的付款负担得起.

注册课程后,您可以注册到 国家统计局分期付款计划 以较小的每月分期付款方式支付学费和杂费. The specific timeline for these installment payment options are available by logging into the Plan. 如果您不希望参加本计划, 你可以亲自到商务办公室或学校交学费和杂费 在线支付.

Students and parents should review all of the information about the Plan carefully before signing up. Nelnet商业解决方案是第三方, and payment plan agreements are executed between the student and NBS - not Delaware Tech.<

查看更多 分期付款计划常见问题解答 .


学院在学术日历中公布付款截止日期,以鼓励学生尽早付款,以便他们可以通过分期付款计划增加负担能力. Enrollment into the Plan by the payment deadline date provides access to the least expensive monthly payment option. 如果学生没有在付款截止日期前付款, 特拉华科技不会删除注册, 学生仍然要负责支付.

当学生在学期的第二周之前没有向学院全额付款或没有参加分期付款计划时,学生帐户将被视为拖欠. 当帐目拖欠时, 学院将对该账户进行财务冻结, 防止将来注册, 及相关服务. Accounts that remain delinquent at the end of the semester are referred to a collections 年龄ncy.


学生在入学时负责支付学杂费. The College will not delete any registration or drop any course for a student’s failure to make payment to the College. 另外, failure to attend any class or failure to receive a bill does not remove the student’s financial responsibility. 不打算上课的学生负责正式退课,以尽量减少他们的经济责任.


Failure to attend any class does not relieve a student's financial responsibility to the college. 不打算参加已注册课程的学生应在学费退还期间正式退课,以尽量减少他们所欠的金额. The college will not automatically delete or drop a student's course(s) due to non-payment.

收到学费/费用调整的课程放弃, the student must first officially drop the course (see Course Drop/Add/Withdrawal Procedure). 学生将不被收取任何学费或可退还的费用(实验室或技术支持)课程之前或第一周期间. 学生将承担50%的学费,并在第二周退课的费用. 第二周之后, 学生可以正式退课, 但是学费/费用没有调整.

除非另有规定, students are responsible for 100% of tuition and fees for officially withdrawn courses. For courses less than four weeks in length, there is no tuition/fee adjustment period. 在课程的第一天注册这些课程的学生负责100%的评估学杂费. 以下费用不予退还:注册, 晚注册, 学生服务, 医疗保健计划, 审查信贷, 工作经验评估, 还有传递费.

除了以上, 当出现特殊情况导致学生无法继续学习时,学生可以申请休学. Extraordinary circumstances that justify a hardship withdrawal include loss of housing, 家庭中的死亡, 严重的身体伤害或疾病, 犯罪受害, 伤亡损失, 或者学生经历过的其他创伤性事件, 学生的配偶或同居伴侣, 或者他或她的直系亲属(包括继子女), 家庭伴侣的孩子, 姻亲或代父母.

请求艰难退出, 学生必须向学生事务主任办公室提出书面申请. The request must include a summary of the facts upon which it is based and any documentation in support thereof. Students are encour年龄d to report hardships to the Dean of Student Affairs Office as soon as possible. If needed, the dean or their designee will assist the student in preparing the request.

All hardship withdrawal requests will be reviewed by a college-wide committee appointed by the president. 该委员会将包括来自学生事务的代表, 指令, 业务服务, 金融援助, 和注册. The Dean of the Student Affairs Office will notify the student of the decision via their College email account.

如果得到批准, 学生将获得“W”级成绩,100%的学费和可退还费用将记入学生账户. 不可退还的费用和书店费用将不予退还. 经济援助是否已支付到学生的账户, 商务办公室将计算适当的信用额度. 如果学生在他们的帐户上有其他费用, the credit will be applied to those charges as permitted by federal 金融援助 regulations.

委员会的决定是最终决定. 而且不能上诉. 如果被拒绝,学生有责任支付所欠的所有学杂费.


For students seeking College credit through the evaluation of prior learning or work experience, a fee equivalent to tuition for a one-credit course will be charged for each course in which a student requests credit, 从1993年秋季学期开始生效.


  • 考试费用学分
  • Additional fees or changes to existing fees are subject to action by the 校董会.

以上所有费用恕不退还. 所有学杂费都可以通过学生账户支付, 等待商务办公室对这些账目进行最终审计.

学生将负责偿还学院支付给第三方的费用,如远程教育课程的在线访问费用, 电讯课程租金, 学生医疗事故保险, 等. 这些“过境费”不予退还.


所有的经济援助退款都是通过学生选择退款计划通过NelNet处理的,无论是直接存款还是纸质支票. 要选择您希望如何收到退款,请登录 NelNet学生选择退款 程序,然后单击“管理退款”. 将首选付款方式设置为“直接存款”, 您需要输入您的银行信息(路由号码) & 账户号码). Unless otherwise indicated, a paper check will be sent to the address on file with Delaware Tech.